Two long weekends of Open Studios :
24-26 MAY and 30 MAY-1 JUNE : 11am to 5pm daily

Sue Searle

Cyanotypes and Digital Photography

Blue and Gold 

My favourite colours!

I use both old and new techniques in my photography, from cyanotypes printed in the UV light from the sun to the use of a digital camera and computer. 



Studio 17

West Cornwall

lamorna vean
TR19 6NY

Get directions on Google Maps


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Studio information

Turn right off the road and then left  to park in our drive. 


One step up into the studio and another to access the toilet. 


On-site parking
Toilet facilities
Family friendly

Further information

The cyanotype process was invented in the 1840s before the camera was invented. The chemicals are painted onto watercolour paper or fabric. If  for example a leaf is placed on top and it is left in the sun, the leaf stays white and the rest goes blue. This is the origin of the word 'blueprint'. 

I use mainly plant material for my cyanotypes, but have experimented with digital negatives as well. I experiment with adding turmeric, soap bubbles or paint amongst other things introduces some colour and texture. 

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